Don't rely on names! NMI is short for "Non-Maskable Interrupt" what means, you can't disable it. But as we talk about C64, there is of course a way to do so. by Wolfram Sang (Ninja/The Dreams - ======================================================= Some demo-effects or transmission routines have a very critical timing. Hit RESTORE once and everything is gone. Even if the NMI-vector points to a RTI, so the Interrupt will be quit immediately, it will "cost" 13 cycles, but just one would be far too much. So it can be quite useful to disable the NMI, though it is a little against its purpose. First I am going to talk about the theory, if you are just interested in the result, then copy the corresponding lines from the example-sourcecode. To avoid confusion I want to mention before, that IRQ and NMI are both interrupts, where NMI has higher priority. As the IRQ is more often used, some people call it just "interrupt". Please don't mix it up! I will use exact definitions in this article. Theory... First question is, how are interrupts on the C64 generated? Let us examine the "standard" IRQ. The CPU checks its IRQ-line for a LOW-signal. If there is one, an interrupt will be initiated. It has to be acknowledged via registers $D019 (for VIC) or $DC0D (for CIA1), so the IRQ-line goes HIGH again. If you forget that, there will be another interrupt right after the first one, as there is still a LOW-signal! Okay? Good. Concerning NMI this procedure is a little different. Not the LOW-signal forces this interrupt, but the change from HIGH to LOW. Of course, the NMI-line has to be raised as well, register $DD0D does that job for CIA2, and some hardware logic for the RESTORE-key. And here is the trick: Don't do that, and nothing special will happen. We still have a LOW-signal, but remember, it is the changing from HIGH to LOW which initiates an interrupt. Best thing is, other incoming HIGH-signals (e.g. from RESTORE) will be absorbed. Aforementioned change is not possible anymore, the CPU will never get to know, if an NMI is requested. I guess, this can be called "disabled NMI", to reenable it, just acknowlege via $DC0D, so do what you have intenionally "forgotten" before. ... and praxis For a better understanding I'll give you some comments on the example-sourcecode. If you are not familiar with CIA-Timers, I recommend getting some descriptions of them, because it would be too much for this article, if I should explain them here. At the beginning the programm disables IRQ-interrupts and changes the NMI-vector to our own routine. Then Timer A of CIA2 is stopped and loaded with 0, so after setting it as NMI-source and starting it, a NMI is going to occur. The interrupt routine increases the border-color, which is only for illustration purpose, and then exits the interrupt without reading $DD0D. The interrupt is not acknowledged! The main programm now continuously changes the upper-left corner of the text-screen, again only for illustration. Try pressing RESTORE, which would normally cause a NMI, but nothing will happen, the border-color stays the same. For a counterexample just press SPACE. The Timer A will be cleared as NMI-source (otherwise it would initiate another NMI and disable it again) and NMI-line will be set HIGH by acknowledging through reading $DD0D. As NMI is allowed again, pressing RESTORE will increase border-color. Well, that's it! Like most good tricks, it is not much, you just have to know, how it works. If you have problems in understading at first, take your time and try it again. It might look complicated, but it is not, honestly. === source code ; 'Disable NMI' by Ninja/The Dreams SEI ; disable IRQ LDA #<(NMI) ; STA $0318 ; change NMI vector LDA #>(NMI) ; to our routine STA $0319 ; LDA #$00 ; stop Timer A STA $DD0E ; STA $DD04 ; set Timer A to 0, after starting STA $DD05 ; NMI will occur immediately LDA #$81 ; STA $DD0D ; set Timer A as source for NMI LDA #$01 ; STA $DD0E ; start Timer A -> NMI ; from here on NMI is disabled LOOP: INC $0400 ; change screen memory LDA #$10 ; SPACE pressed? AND $DC01 ; BNE NOSPC ; if not, branch LDA #$01 ; if yes, clear Timer A STA $DD0D ; as NMI source LDA $DD0D ; acknowledge NMI, i.e. enable it NOSPC: JMP LOOP ; endless loop NMI: INC $D020 ; change border colour RTI ; exit interrupt ; (not acknowledged!) === uuencoded binary begin 666 nmi-lock.prg M`,!XJ36-&`.IP(T9`ZD`C0[=C03=C07=J8&-#=VI`8T.W>X`!*D0+0'